First, I want to Say, that sound has been so much better this season. Example - yesterday on Chalet I heard Amaru jumping thru the high Windows in the main hall on the hatch and I was obj garage. Positioning also works well. In generał, I'm happy with the progress.
However, sometimes it's broken. When droning I hear only sounds of outside area (like singing birds), no sound of operators, reinforcinng. After that ingame sounds is totally wrong, it's like inverted right with left, and close with far. Yesterday after 3 won round in Def, I quit and tried to rejoin, but I was late and Got penalty. What is more sad, if I have won this match I would have get plat 3 what is good achievement for me when solo Q at the other account
However, sometimes it's broken. When droning I hear only sounds of outside area (like singing birds), no sound of operators, reinforcinng. After that ingame sounds is totally wrong, it's like inverted right with left, and close with far. Yesterday after 3 won round in Def, I quit and tried to rejoin, but I was late and Got penalty. What is more sad, if I have won this match I would have get plat 3 what is good achievement for me when solo Q at the other account