Original Post — Direct link
I dont know why, i keep playing ranked games 4v5 too often this season. I understand some players leave, some got problem on pc, or games does not let them rejoin (yes it happens sometimes). The things bugs me most is, as usual it gets harder and 4 team player %90 lost the game, ranking works same as usual. Playing with 4 or even worse with 3 is unfair and BS but ranking as usual alfer a lost match is the worst.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Hi, Cash,

The issue with uneven Ranked matches has been reported up the chain to the dev team for investigation. Ranked can already be a stressful experience, and getting into a game with either teammates who leave mid-game, or joining a game without a full team makes the experience even more frustrating. That's definitely not the kind of environment we want our players in.