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It's really nice to see that someone in the balance team has finally decided to try and bring Fuze up to pace with all the other attackers in the game in terms of Win Delta Vs. Presence scale, but I think this buff wasn't made with good knowledge about the operator.

Here's a screenshot from the latest Designer's Notes showing the buff and the devs thoughts on it:

In short they believe that Fuze mains aren't using their charges because they wait for the right moment. This is true, but not for the reason they assume. Three clusters is enough to kill all the gadgets on both objectives of Bomb and leave one for guarding it. When you don't need to clear both objectives you're gonna be left with two clusters which you can use to mess with anyone trying to zone entry to the objective or save to have two clusters to zone the defenders in return when the bomb is planted. You don't even have to clear the objective at all if you don't want to, you could dedicate all of your clusters to messing with roamers if you're good enough.

Fuze mains are reluctant to use his clusters super aggressively because he's fat and loud. Fuze is not just loud because of the noise his clusters make, he's loud because he's a 1-speed operator even when he's not wielding a shield. This makes him extremely susceptible to getting wall banged through soft surfaces since you can hear him coming from a mile away.

Because he's 1-speed he's also one of the slowest of operators in the game both with and without a shield. When your cluster is planted you often don't have enough time to follow it up with a breach, because you're either going to make entry after the cluster has been finished for a while since you're too slow to rotate or you have to make a helluva lot more noise moving to where you're going to breach from and let the enemy know that there's a cluster charge coming through.

There is one trick that helps a lot, but it still doesn't overcome the problems presented by his speed/armor type, just makes him less likely to get gatted through a soft surface:

1. Place a breaching charge on a soft surface connecting to the room you want to cluster
2. Move to where you want to cluster the room from
3. Blow the breaching charge so it masks the sound of your cluster charge being planted
4. Fire when you want

How do you buff him properly?

Make him 2-speed. Literally, just make him 2-speed and he's gonna be so much more comfortable to play. He doesn't have to lose his shield either, just make it so that his speed/armor type goes back to 1-speed/1-armor when a player decides to use the shield - that's how recruits that have options of shield and gun work.

If you don't think that's enough and want to do something crazy and rework the operator, make it so that you can throw his cluster charges on to surfaces. It sounds so ******g busted, but I'm sure there's way to balance that out (quick example: dont let him throw that stuff on to ceilings).

Reply with what you think of my thoughts on this and share your own. Do you think the buff was impactful? Do you think he should be reworked? If yes, how?

P.S. Hopefully someone at R6 Siege's balance team reads this. I've got so many hours clocked in on playing nothing but Fuze, it'd be a shame if this window of them wanting to buff him went by with nothing impactful happening to the operator.
almost 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Eddlicious.

How do you buff him properly?

Make him 2-speed. Literally, just make him 2-speed and he's gonna be so much more comfortable to play. He doesn't have to lose his shield either, just make it so that his speed/armor type goes back to 1-speed/1-armor when a player decides to use the shield - that's how recruits that have options of shield and gun work.

If you don't think that's enough and want to do something crazy and rework the operator, make it so that you can throw his cluster charges on to surfaces. It sounds so ******g busted, but I'm sure there's way to balance that out (quick example: dont let him throw that stuff on to ceilings).

Reply with what you think of my thoughts on this and share your own. Do you think the buff was impactful? Do you think he should be reworked? If yes, how?

P.S. Hopefully someone at R6 Siege's balance team reads this. I've got so many hours clocked in on playing nothing but Fuze, it'd be a shame if this window of them wanting to buff him went by with nothing impactful happening to the operator.
I could see Fuze functioning as a 2/2. Although, I think some people in the community would be against that just due to having another 2/2 running around with the AK-12. Something I haven't seen mentioned at all is the fact that Fuze could be an answer to the issue of defenders having a lot of utility to clear. The introduction of another cluster charge should alleviate the strain that Evil Eyes, ADS', deployables, bulletproof cams, etc put on attackers.