over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Just to clarify a bit more, your casual MMR doesn't have anythig to do with Ranked. When you're coming across Plats or high Golds means your Quick Match MMR is within 1,000 of theirs.

Most people you see in those high ranks only play Ranked, so when they decide to come back to Casual, their MMR for that mode is much lower than you'd expect.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Zikiel:
I think it's an unfair system, the fun thing would be when there is actually no MMR in casual, because what if i get a team that is in the same situation as me? where is the fun of getting stomped and not having a minimal chance of winning? i think MMR should stay only in ranked and the casual matchmaking should be totally random, just my opinion though

You're not alone in how you feel about this, Zikel. I saw a few threads about two weeks ago talking about this exact thing, which is why I've already let the team know about how the community feels towards Quick Match (Casual) MMR. What would you like to see as an alternative to the system for Casual matchmaking?