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Yes, Siege is still superior to Roblox, and yes, anyone who plays Roblox is a 5 year old squeaker who needs to go back to Fortnite, but the Roblox game Phantom Forces has a few gun play mechanics that I feel could be added to better R6: Siege's gun play. The first and most realistic one would be projectile bullets. Anyone who has played Halo: 3 will know what I'm talking about but for those who don't, here's a rundown (Tl;Dr at the end):

There are two main methods of handling shooting in shooting games, hit-scan and projectile. Rainbow 6: Siege uses hit-scan. (FOR NOW) when you pull the trigger, the game 1) Chooses a pixel within the spread circle (this is random, when ADS, the only pixel available is the one on the sight reticle, when hip firing, it's within those 4 lines) 2) Scans that pixel to see what the pixel is on 3) Checks to see what should happen when the bullet hits (for soft wall it just checks what is behind the wall) 4) if it's the hit box of a character, the game looks to see what factors should apply (if the bullet went through the wall it subtracts × amount of damage, same for distance, etc.) and then 5) applies the appropriate damage to what ever player got hit. This all happens instantly, it doesn't matter if your 1 foot (30.48 cm) or 100 miles (160.9344 km) from your target, the bullet arrives just as fast.

Projectile works very similar, but there is one crucial difference, there is a literal bullet which flies through the space. So when you fire, the game spawns an entity at your face and that entity moves at a certain (very fast) speed until it hits a target it can't penetrate. So hitting targets up close is just as easy, but when there's some distance you have to lead your shots so your target will run into the bullets.

Tl;Dr: Hit scan is any gun: when you shoot, the bullet hits its target instantly. Hit-scan is like Thatcher's EMP grenades: when you shoot the bullet (or in Thatcher's case throw the grenade) the bullet (EMP grenade) actually flies through the air and only moves so fast. If I can remember correctly, this is why Yager's Magpies can't shoot Cap's crossbow bolts: the bolts are hit scan, thus the Magpie can't shoot the arrow out of the air because there never was an arrow flying through the air to begin with. Contrast that with Hibana's fidget spinners: the fidget spinners actually have to fly through the air, so the Magpies can shoot them.

Projectile also has another benefit: bullet drop. In Phantom Forces, a sniper can't just put the crosshairs on the target and pull the trigger; he has to account for bullet drop. It occurs slowly, so from about 30 yards (27.432 m) out you can just aim on the head, but when the target is across the map you have to shoot a couple inches above the head to let the bullet fall into the opponent. Even more, if you have the high ground, your bullet doesn't drop as much shooting downward as it does shooting straight forward. Now while this specific method wouldn't change much in Siege, what if different guns had different bullet drop? For instance, a pistol could have a lot of bullet drop, whereas DMRs would have next to no bullet drop. It could potentially make spawn peeking much harder for the defenders as they only have SMGs to work with and they would have a hard time estimating the bullet drop.

The final point I'd like to make is how bullets shoot. As said before, in Siege the goes a random location that is within the bullet spread range. In Phantom Forces, the bullet goes where ever the gun points it. So if you were sprinting, the gun would be pointing at the floor, so if you suddenly pulled the trigger, the bullets wouldn't go forward, they would go into the floor, as that's where the gun is pointing. The big thing though is those FOOKIN' LASER SIGHTS. Now, if I am holding a gun with a laser sight, and that laser sight is pointing at a head, logic would dictate that the bullet would hit the head that the laser is pointing at, but that doesn't happen in Siege. All the laser sight does is reduce that hipfire spread. In Phantom Forces, the bullet goes where the gun is pointing, and the laser dot hits wherever the gun is pointing, so even if you're sprinting and hipfiring with a sniper rifle, that bullet will always follow that laser (save for the bullet drop). This doesn't make laser sights OP though, because the gun never sits still, just like in real life, when you're holding the gun at the hip (and less so when you're aiming down sight) that gun is shaking. This one change would have a huge impact on the meta, as shield operators would (in theory) be just as accurate with their first shot when behind the shield as they would be while ADS.

But please leave me with your thoughts. Am I right? Am I ******ed? Am I a Roblox playing, squeeking, cancer which must be eradicated? And do you have any other suggestions, and as always, thanks for reading.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Reminder that we shouldn't be necro-ing old threads! If you feel like there's more to the conversation here, please feel free to make a new one, but I'll be locking this one up!