over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by TOCKSY: I have more than 200 hours in the game, yet I got no idea what I am doing. Yeah I learned all the powers, I learned the guns, the loadouts and such, some parts of some maps but the issue I got is with getting kills

I always anchor on site with Rook or Doc and I never get any kills, unless the enemy accidentally entered with their back turned to me. In these 200 hours I have never, not once, won a gun fight. If I'm the last one and it's a 1v1 I just assume the game is lost then and there unless there is little time left.

On the attack team I try to play shields or breachers, beause if I try to play something like Ash or Glaz I know I will be utterly useless to the team.

I really love the game but my aim is trash in every way possible, I always get killed from the most unpredictable spots and everytime I'm not in the site as a defender I get immediate PTSD and run for cover.

I tried improving but it seems like the game can't stick to me. It's either me being bad or the game being too hard. Should I quit? I never invested this much time in a game only to be complete trash. I assume after 200 hours I should get at least 1-2 kills per match


Don't feel bad about it, Siege has a steep learning curve and it takes awhile to learn all of its mechanics and maps/call outs. I'm not sure if you've checked it out yet, but R6Academy [r6academy.ubi.com] exists to help players who are looking to increase their aim, map knowledge, and players who are looking to try out some new strats! Also, if you're into Discord, we have an official Discord [discord.gg] with some pretty inviting people who wouldn't mind taking you under their wing to help you get to a place in the game skill-wise that you're happy with. :)