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Originally posted by Hydrinious: 1. SOMEHOW i get only 1 teammate in my team at the start of the match, like 2 v 5 already? holy ♥♥♥♥ fix ur ting bruh ubifot.
Hey Hydrinious!
I know how frustrating it can be for you to join a ranked game and not get a full team. Our devs are aware of the issue and are currently investigating it now.
Originally posted by Hydrinious: 2. too much new players in mid ranks (silver-gold), the placement system should be as harsh as csgo's
I'm not familiar with how CSGo's ranked system works, so would you mind elaborating a bit so I can better understand?
Originally posted by Hydrinious: 3. Leavers, basically if you lose 1 round or die 1 time, they are gonna auto leave no matter what, thus there should be a trust system that measures how of a good boy/girl/not specified is that player to get good teammates instead of aliens
I think introducing a reputation/honor system in Siege would be a great QoL change. I believe this idea has been brought up to the team within the past few weeks, but I can try and ping them again about it.