Hello, I am an avid controller user in FPS games and I have got to say upfront that I'm not a fan of the "processing" that R6S takes. I was curious if there are plans to remove any acceleration whatsoever in a future update or if this already exists. I do know that classic acceleration exists and advanced acceleration. Both of which do include different forms of accelerated control I believe. If a no accelerated control doesn't exist, it could be added as a third control scheme in the controls at no expense to the other two options.
Originally Posted by MusicienElegantHi MusicienElegant, welcome to the forums!
Hello, I am an avid controller user in FPS games and I have got to say upfront that I'm not a fan of the "processing" that R6S takes. I was curious if there are plans to remove any acceleration whatsoever in a future update or if this already exists. I do know that classic acceleration exists and advanced acceleration. Both of which do include different forms of accelerated control I believe. If a no accelerated control doesn't exist, it could be added as a third control scheme in the controls at no expense to the other two options.
Would you be able to elaborate on what you mean by processing and acceleration? I don't know too many intricate controller details.