over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Thermite: I just played a couple of rounds just now for whatever reason I get crap teams or I just get ditched by my squad so my mental health is at all time low no thanks to online classes now and starting a new job so idk how much I can take anymore I hope the whole community understands where I'm coming from but maybe some people are just gonna say "git gud" or whatever I'm just done with this BS hopefully next season be better I just wanted to get this out and give you all my thoughts on this I really don't know if any of you care but I've been playing since black ice and i'm a 157 bronze 5

Hey Thermite.

I hate that hearing your interactions with the community have been so toxic recently, especially since those people aren't representative of what this community is. They make up a very small percentage of the people who play this game, so I hope that if you play again that you're able to find them. The R6 Discord is a great place to make friends who play this game, and gives you a chance to find a consistent stack to play with so you can avoid the kinds of people you've played with.

We're constantly going over ways to help remove all kinds of toxic behavior from our community, and we're also listening to community feedback on this. Recently, we decided to remove Vote to Kick since the feature has been used by stacked teams to unfairly kick "randoms." In regards to mental health, I would recommend taking a break. Your health should come first and foremost.