Original Post — Direct link
So for no apparent reason what-so-ever my game will randomly decide to **** itself and freeze on one frame but everything else seems to function perfectly fine to some extent. I'll still be able to hear people talk and my sound is still there but if I'm shooting my gun or driving my drone the sound it makes will be stuck on in a loop so I'm always shooting or always driving forward. This is only the sound though the visual is still completely stuck. It'll even happen during matchmaking for some ridiculous reason and I have no idea what to do to fix it. It happens randomly for no reason like I said and my computer is more than capable of running this game or ultra everything at 150 FPS.

My Specs:

Intel i7 6700k
GTX 1080
about 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Hm, just looking at the basic specs it wouldn't seem to be an issue with hardware...
Do you run other programs while you play? Are you steam or uplay? What about the rest of your setup? Touchscreen monitors? Multiple monitors? Windowed? Borderless windowed? Fullscreen?

The best next step would be to send in your msinfo + dxdiag to support and we can do a bit of in-depth troubleshooting there to see if there are any other potential causes of the freezing
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date on threads before commenting on them!