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Hey there r/Rainbow6! We know you have a lot of questions about the current state of Siege and it's future, so we brought together a few members of the dev team to give you some answers and insight into what we've got cooking on Siege.

This thread is now open for your questions! Our team will begin answering questions at 2pm ET and will keep answering them until around 4pm ET.

In order to make sure we can focus on your specific questions and get to as many people as possible, we ask that you please ask one question per comment. We'll do our best to reply to as many as possible!

Now, who will be joining us? The following devs will be present to answer your questions:

  • Leroy Athanassoff - Creative Director
  • Mohammed Benhenneda - Business Strategy and Live Performance Director
  • Benjamin Azoulay - Technical Director for Live Operations
  • Paul Vlasie - Technology Director
  • Emmanuel Larive - Player Behaviour Product Owner
  • Aurélie Débant - Game Director
  • Aurélien Chiron - Associate Game Director
  • Christopher Budgen - Associate Game Director
  • Yann Sylvestre - Level Design Director

We can't wait to start digging into this with you and seriously, thanks for taking the time to share your questions with us. It means a LOT and is crucial to charting Siege's future.

See you shortly!

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Unocthis

A Ubisoft employee recently said that manual bans were not a useful strategy and the community strongly disagreed. In a time where it feels like every game has a cheater in it and known cheaters continuously queue for days, if not weeks, wouldn’t you agree that manual bans would improve relations with the community as well as give us hope that something can actually be done about the cheating problem? It’s really discouraging to see blatant cheaters posted all over every social media and then still running into them days later, as well as seeing people straight up walling in match replay, and not getting any MMR back for that loss for weeks, sometimes, even though you reported them in the game.

Manual bans are not our long term strategy as it would not be scalable, but that doesn't mean that we don't do manual bans - they're still very valuable to the team. We are looking at more automated detections so they can be as fast as possible and able to scale as needed. This is why we're investing in data-based detections and sanctions while continuing to reinforce BattlEye detections. This also means improving the client complexity to increase the cheat support costs for cheat makers. It does not mean that we're not issuing manual sanctions - we are. We're simply looking at the future, where we see more value in ramping up our data models detections rather than relying primarily on manual operations. ~ Ben, Technical Director for Live Operations

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by SolomonGrunty

How did you begin your career in game development, and how would you recommend a recent graduate get started in a game development career?

It sometimes depends on your area of expertise but from personal experience I would recommend not being afraid of getting in the door through Game Testing or very Junior levels. The amount of knowledge you will gain by being close in proximity to experienced team members will pay dividends in your career growth. You can also try looking for Industry Meetups such as IGDA to get close to those with industry experience. There are many developers that attend these and are willing to have conversations with those looking to join the industry. It is all about getting out there and meeting others in the industry and putting into practice what you have learned from those conversations. Making games is a team sport and learning to play your position on the team is an asset to any team looking to deliver on products, content, and features.

-Christopher, Assoc. Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Loose-Gur-2721

Is there any chance that we will be getting any new weapons in the future, rather than recycling previous ones?

It's true we haven’t added new guns for some time, because we have already a huge pool of weapons - we have 100+ weapons (23 Assault Rifles, 20 SMG, 18 shotguns for instance).

Because of Siege’s lethality system (a headshot guarantees the kill), rate of fire is the king parameter for all weapons. This makes all low rate of fire weapons sub-par, and reduces drastically the pool of weapons that are really played, only 30 of them are played most of the time. This reduces the diversity of the game experience.

The Loadout should guide the player in the playstyle and abilities of the operator.

- New weapon is created for new gameplay. Example with the CSRX 300 on Kali.

- New weapons can be created for lore / universe reasons. Zero with the SC3000k is a good example

Each year we bring a new weapon. Recently we have released the Gonne-6 to help for the 20 sec meta and a new one will be available soon.

We concentrated also some efforts on sights to help make weapon more unique and different from one another. This add a whole new level of balancing for the Barcelona team, adding some options that are different.

Recently we have also started to rework the recoils like the G36, 416C, .... To have different recoils and gives different experience.

The weapon variety is in a center of our work. We focus on the balancing of the existing weapons – sights, recoils, magazine, attachments

-Aurelie, Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Maleficent_Ruin_2941

Hello and thanks a lot for the AMA. What exactly is the reason you guys decided against the AWS/gamelift gameservers? the feedback from the community was 100% positive as far as i noticed.

We have indeed added Gamelift to the roster. The idea behind is 3-fold and pushes to improve the overall server quality of service:

  1. Improve our resiliency, offering a service backup in case of outage of our other providers
  2. Mid-term we plan on putting Gamelift in the siege server pool more frequently in order to improve connectivity (some users might ping Gamelift better than our other providers, hence directing them to the best option available)
  3. Having more providers enables us to improve the global coverage by allowing you to benefit from new regions that might be unique to some providers while not being available to others

~ Ben, Technical Director for Live Operations

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by mermaidangel1

Will there be any LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 representation? I honestly don’t know anything about this game or what it’s about but I just always like to ask about 🌈representation whenever I see rainbows in the title of something 🙃

Great question, and that representation is incredibly important to us as a team. This year, in fact, the team has taken great strides to really level up how we are authentically representing our Operators, for example with the partnership of Nakoda consultants for the creation of Thunderbird. This is an approach we'll be taking moving forward as well, to ensure the future LGBT operators we bring to the game feel like honest, real people. Please stay tuned, very shortly you may meet someone interesting joining the crew...

-Eric, Senior Community Developer

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by BladesOfGlorie

Big thank you to the Dev Team for this opportunity!

I would like to start off stating, I know some of the questions and ideas that I will provide below are “what ifs” scenarios. And I also completely understand - some of the ideas and questions I have, may not even be within the capability of what goes on behind the scenes of the game; and I’m excited to learn more about that as well!

IDEA- If someone is banned/sanctioned for a specific reason - could there be a way that they do not get to gain back that specific mechanic?
EX. Toxic chat ban - unable to use in game ALL chat for a extended amount of time outside of the given sanction time.

RE: TS SERVER - TS is a great tool that has been provided to the community but unfortunately doesn’t get its potential use. After a few days of a new TS patch – you are unable to even matchmake. People try out the new map, and new operator to get a feel for it – and never log into TS again for that patch.
IDEA – Need an incentive to play - Battlepass/Alpha Packs. And for additional incentive a crossover system of the cosmetics to the live server.
IDEA - Test more content/ideas other then what is already confirmed to be releasing in a upcoming patch.

QUESTION: What's the lifecycle or process that occurs when a bug is reported via the different means such as social media/internally/R6SFix?
QUESTION: Is there any possibility that R6Fix could be revamped or cleaned up and possibly more user friendly?
Any feedback is appreciated!

We've already touched on toxicity and reporting in other answers, but you've got some great thoughts on the Test Server! This is actually something we're in the process of working on and have some solid improvements coming quite soon - especially to matchmaking. Let's just say we're looking into all the things you mentioned here. Stay tuned, because we'll have more to share soon ;) ~ Mo, Business Strategy and Live Performance Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by brodiebradley51

What are your thoughts on Kali’s balance at this current time?

With her pick rate at a pro level being abysmal with it being below a 3% pick rate averaged across all regions for the past 2-3 seasons, i think it’s time to maybe give her a full auto primary option.

She has a gadget that can benefit the game and meta excellently but is handicapped by the sniper for no real reason.

I’d suggest Jackals PDW-9 w/ 1.5x scope option, and then change her lances back to a 2.5s fuse time (like when she launched) to counteract the addition of a new weapon.

I just hope she sees some love because she’s sitting there with amazing potential but is held back by a sniper for no other reason than ‘uniqueness’.

She has a very good secondary weapon and to be honest, for now, we are not looking to give her another primary. For us, if we do that, nobody will use her sniper anymore and that's a shame.

So we need to look at the sniper itself how to buff it. We still believe on a bolt action sniper rifle in Siege. We are aware that this is a very polarizing weapon, and that some are convinced otherwise, but this is still an option that we want available in the game.

We have no plan to share yet.

-Aurelie, Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by TheTieuuj

engine not the problem. its the old game's code. hard to add new stuff without breaking something

You're actually making a valid point here. Adding new content on top of existing content can be tricky.

To give an example: when we first shipped, we realized it was tricky adding new gadgets, because parts of the code were shared, and every time we added a new one we risked breaking existing ones. This was not scaling well - the more gadgets we added, the trickier this was becoming.

So this is why we created a gadget v2 framework, to isolate gadgets and make sure that new ones don't risk breaking existing ones. Today, I'm happy to report that over 90% of our gadgets have been migrated to the new framework, and of course all new ones are as well. ~ Paul, Technology Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by YourWorstCringev2

Over the past year or 2, I have noticed sieges lore has made a shift from it being a realistic counter terrorist game, where the ops were training to fight terrorists, to more of an olympic style game. What is the reason for this?

This is a very nice question, and a keen observation. It's no secret that our obsession since the beginning has been competition rather than making a realistic and immersive game. So the more the game evolved, the more we felt the need to explore gameplay areas that were no longer compatible with the "realism" and the original settings.

Also as game dev we wanted to make a game that talk about the stuff we love and what we love is esport :)

So that’s why we decided to move away from the classical terrorist hunt storytelling to the more "Competitive and Search for Perfection" story telling that also exist in special forces fantasy. This provides a setting that is closest to us, and also that is way more sustainable on the long run than the classical good vs evil classical story arc.

Think our story as a Season of NFL or NHL.

-Leroy, Creative Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by NickM5526

Why did you change the scoreboard and the weapon load out screens? It’s so bright now it hurts my eyes. I don’t understand why the loading screen is dark blue but then if I want to add a grip to my gun that menu is white.

For the scoreboard we listened to the feedback of the community and we are going to do some improvements for Y6S3.

The colors are going to stay the same but we still want it be to be clearer and less overwhelming.

-Aurelien, Assoc. Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by MaggieEsmeralda

I feel like Jager is in the top 2, I see it a lot! Maybe Ela, Mute or Ash sidewinder in second place ;)

I'll say Jager and Ela

Thanks for replying!

You got one of them! It's Jaeger and Sledge :D

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by jeshi_O_toko

Have you guys seen any frogs? If so, what did they look like?

I've seen things you wouldn't believe... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cpoiYHCtPXw/maxresdefault.jpg

-Eric, Senior Community Developer

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by c0ntran

What were some ideas for the scrapped Polish operation back in year 2? I can assume that Zofia and Ela were the intended operators to release with the operation, but what were some conceptualizad names for it, and what was supposed to be the map for the Polish season?

Good question!

Ela and Zofia were always the intended operators for that season - the initial concepts for the map were actually an old distillery. When operation health happened not a lot of the conceptual work on how to present that season was finalized, but due to the new cadence of content (3 operators in two seasons) we had to go back to square one. We put together a mini strike team of one extremely talented writer - and one artist - and the idea was to introduce a bit more lore into the game through these two iconic operators - this is what brought back operator CGI that we currently have every season.

I wanted to also add that if anything - this was a golden opportunity to try new - different approaches to how we present operators to our community.

-Laure Guilbert, Marketing Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by ch3rryyyyyy

I have 7 questions that I would love to get answered by you. They are mainly to do with map design and balancing protocalls and operator design.

Please note that I have put extensive thought into all these questions and can easily expand all of them for clarity sake, but am choosing not to, so as to not overwhelm you with a text wall. Kindly excuse any sections that do not have more explanation or context added and feel free to ask me for any elaboration as you deem fit. Thank you for your patience.

  1. What aspects of a map make it 'competitive'? Why are some maps PL worthy while others are relegated to casual?

There are multiple aspects that make a map competitive map or not.

The top one is overall balancing. Each team must have equal opportunities to win at high skill level of play. There must never be a point where one team can't do anything due to the layout or setups. Perfect balance is almost impossible but we are happy when we are within a certain margin (not easy with lots of moving variables from the meta). It is also a question of trade-off. When a map has certain aspect that favors one side we try to counter balance by having something else that favors the other side.

Here is a sample of some parameter we keep an eye on for competitive maps:

-Good rotations possibilities for both attackers and defenders

-Good balance of entry points

-Good balance of destruction around sites.

-Having at least 3 strong sites.

-Proper lighting all around. It must not affect gameplay.

-Reduced noisyness (geometry,material and clutter)

-Each stronger position must have a counter.

-Not have automatic plant...meaning that there's no way to retake.

-Not making it impossible nor too easy to take control of the map.

-Certain size and number of rooms.

-At every spot on the map trying to control the number of simultaneous line of danger. Yes, it varies but we try to make sure it is never overwhelming.


The maps called "casual" are maps that are outside that mold and are greatly lacking in one or more of these parameters. The focus is more about trying different fun things and letting loose.

-Yann, Level Design Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by I_ForgotMyOldAccount

Hey Dev team! Thanks so much for your time.

When you think about how the game has evolved from the beta to now, are there any gadget you feel didn’t keep up in viability or purpose?

Oh yes!

We cannot imagine releasing today some of our Legacy operators!

Having a Hard counter like Thatcher which destroyed all electronic gadgets in his range without any LOS, was not very interesting.

Frost can be also a good example! We would like also to rework our shield operators.

We have established some guidelines to help the creation of the operators

-Define the player skills needed to manage each operator such as knowledge skill, communicate skill, resource management skill, …

-We need to have some balancing levers

-Play around soft counter instead of Hard Counter – Soft counter creates more gameplay and implies more skill.

These are some examples!

-Aurelie, Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Loris_tx

Duplicates in esports alpha pack will remain? Seems to find always the same skin. Btw it’s a very nice add this packs

We're also looking at ways to improve the esports packs experience. We understand the frustration around the duplicates, so we'll make some exciting changes later this year! Stay tuned! ~ Mo, Business Strategy and Live Performance Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by titanpomato

Are there any plans to deal with crouchwalking? it is very annoying to deal with when an ash sneaks up behind you because you couldn't hear them and they still peek you at a reasonable speed (and i think JBH has mentioned that the team is not content with crouchwalking in one of his podcast appearances but we didn't get any followup after that)

We are agreed and we are currently investigating this point.
Unfortunately, we have no date to share, but we are aware about this issue and we are trying to find a solution.

-Aurelie, Game Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by mol0Mol0

How has COVID impacted your development on siege?

Before the Montreal Studio was shut down in March 2020, we tried to secure our short-term commitments and have the team focus on seasonal content.

We made sure all our team members and their families were safe at home. There were a lot of logistical challenges involved in sending equipment to devs, and the technical teams worked extremely hard to empower people as we got them set up to work remotely (for example, reviewing builds and playing from home).

We're proud of how it all came together and the incredible work of everyone on the team who adapted to working remotely and managing all the constrains of working from home. Making a move like this involves a ton of trust, and that really shined through. ~ Éric, Producer

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by rubengomes17

Are you guys put cross play between PC and console, and put an option to enable and disable the cross play ( like call of duty has)

We believe in developing and deploying features in an iterative fashion. This is how we're proceeding for cross-play.

So far, console generations (e.g. PS4 & PS5) can play together. Stadia, Luna and PC players can play together as well. Coming up next is crossplay between all consoles.

Crossplay between PC and consoles is a more complicated subject, and we want to make sure we can provide a good experience before activating it. It's not a technical restriction, but more a matter of making sure we have better control over cheating, toxicity and type of controllers. ~ Paul, Technology Director

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Itz_OTTO

is there a plan to fix the rollback system to rework it? because of closet cheaters i typically lose more rollback than i get back making it super frustrating. i beat a closet cheater the other day who went 3-5 and the next day he was exposed on twitter from match replay. losing elo to those types of players is beyond frustrating

Indeed! As mentioned in our last Top Issues & Community Concerns article, we are currently working on a major update of our MMR Rollback system. This new version aims to bring changes that will restrict the time window for rollbacks and addressing rollback that occurs when you win against a cheater. ~ Emmanuel, Player Behaviour Product Owner

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

Originally posted by Ebrithil_7


currently reading through the Dev Team's answers and I have to say: This is awesome! A lot of information and insight into issues regarding the game we love.

My Question: Do you consider doing more AMAs in the future maybe even regularly? For example at the beginning / end of a season or Year?

Thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot that this was appreciated :) We absolutely plan to do more AMAs in the future. While we don't have timing to share right now, know that we WILL be back!

over 3 years ago - /u/siegedevteam - Direct link

And that's a wrap for today's AMA! Thanks for the incredible amount of support and interest, everyone. The sheer number of questions was staggering. We tried to address as many topics as we could.

We'll be back for another AMA down the road, so we'll be sure to keep you informed. In the meantime, have a great end of your week! ~ Ryan, Community Developer