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I feel like that's one of the things that is hurting matchmaking, at least in Casual. Players should not hurt the way matchmaking works because they don't want to tarnish their record on their account. That's absurd, because it hurts people who aren't on their skill level. Again, I totally get it.

"CaSuAl iS mEaNt To HaVe FuN aNd ChIlL"

Yeah, yeah. I get it. It still doesn't excuse the poor metrics of matchmaking, one that is hurt by false statistics and player experience.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by ThEHaCkeRThEoRy
I feel like that's one of the things that is hurting matchmaking, at least in Casual. Players should not hurt the way matchmaking works because they don't want to tarnish their record on their account. That's absurd, because it hurts people who aren't on their skill level. Again, I totally get it.

"CaSuAl iS mEaNt To HaVe FuN aNd ChIlL"

Yeah, yeah. I get it. It still doesn't excuse the poor metrics of matchmaking, one that is hurt by false statistics and player experience.

Hey there! I totally understand your frustration. Smurfing is something we're aware of and monitoring closely so thanks for providing us with a little feedback with this.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
No offense to you, Yubble. You're just the messenger. But - I'll be honest... I'm getting REALLY tired of hearing "We're aware of and monitoring the situation closely!". It's not an explanation. At this point, it's an excuse. We're all very much "aware" of the situation. None of us need to "monitor" it because we're EXPERIENCING it every day. This line comes off as nothing but pap and palaver that get pushed out not to answer concerns but to stonewall and deny. We don't want to hear anymore that Ubi is "aware of and monitoring" problems. We want to hear what they're DOING to solve them.

Smurfing is a problem both on consoles and PCs and it need a more concerted effort to deal with. Ubisoft has every tool it needs to deal with Smurfing ... but for some reason they are choosing to NOT use those tools. This can only be explained by laziness, negligence, or utter indifference.

Every account that gets created ... smurf or not ... should have to be double-verified. This double-verification should track every unique user ... no matter how many different accounts they create. A person who owns multiiple accounts should have EVERY account they own set to the matching level of the BEST account that person has. So if a person owns 6 different accounts and is a Platinum 1 with an awesome KD ratio on Account A, then they should be ranked and matched in EVERY ACCOUNT they have as if they were playing the Plat1 account. Period.

It's incredibly simple. There's no excuse for such a system to not already be solidly and irrevocably in place. Ubi has all the stats and information it needs to make Smurfing all but impossible. They just aren't bothering to use the information they have at their disposal.

All because they're too busy "being aware" and "monitoring" things instead of actually DOING SOMETHING.


On a related note ... it's getting really tiresome to watch players quit matches as soon as their precious Kill/Death ratio looks like it's going to encounter a challenge rather than hand them easy stats boosts. It's an epidemic. You really need to make quitting a match HURT rather than help these stat surfers who are only playing to goose KD and WL ratios.

My suggestion ... any time a player quits a match they are hammered with the equivalent of TEN losses and TWENTY deaths on their record. Make it so quitting a match gives a player a huge penalty to KD/WL ratios. Then I bet all these quitters would suddenly stick around rather than drop the match the first time they think they aren't getting an easy win.
Trust me, I wish I could say more than "we're monitoring it", but honestly we are and things like this take a good amount of time to look into. However, I feel like it would be better to say that than provide our community with false promises that issues will be fixed within a particular timeframe.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
I understand. Please pass along my rather vociferous thoughts and hopefully it will inspire a movement from "observing" into "resolution".

But surely there can be SOME amount of communication on the actual thoughts and efforts that are being considered? Right now we as a player community know absolutely nothing about what Ubi is thinking, experimenting with, or otherwise kicking around as a plan to deal with Smurfs and Match Dropping. Maybe a final plan with a deadline can't be communicated ... but surely there is something that can be said. I think companies these days are way too skittish in being willing to share development thoughts & experiments along these lines. A little bit of communication about the trains of thought would be infinitely more useful than "We're looking at it" and would in no way put you on the hook.

What I'm saying is that there's a wide world between "Absolutely Nothing" and "100% Ironclad Plan With Dates & Times". Surely there is a reasonable place in the middle.
All I can say right now is that we're in the "information-gathering" phase when it comes to smurfing, queue times, and uneven ranked matches, just so we have a better understanding of what the issues are and how to proceed. Of course, there's stuff I'm unable to share externally at the moment. Part of my job is to assure the community that we're listening to player feedback, ideas, frustrations, etc and that their posts don't go unnoticed. As soon as we have something we're able to share with the community, you can count on us to let everyone know.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Why should we?

When most of the larger problems (sound issues, smurfs, glitches, MM'ing) has been addressed by you guys, to only be passed on as another issue that your currently working on.

You said you would work out the sound issues (and seemingly was ready to deploy), your OPH was for reasoning of ease of rollback to commune issues (which didn't happen during the shield glitch). Your responses denote a 'future'..but nothing to give the consumer any indication that you're actually doing anything..

Your 'Blog' is dry with information most times and most issues get the cold shoulder when it comes to transpanrancy.

Why trust you guys when most times (pretty much all the time) leave us in the dark? You have always been this way.for some reason. Care to not commit i guess.

Thank you for sharing how much these issues are a big concern for you, Coop. What I can tell you is that our teams are working hard to get these problems solved and we look forward to being able to share more info with the community when it becomes available to us.