Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
I understand. Please pass along my rather vociferous thoughts and hopefully it will inspire a movement from "observing" into "resolution".
But surely there can be SOME amount of communication on the actual thoughts and efforts that are being considered? Right now we as a player community know absolutely nothing about what Ubi is thinking, experimenting with, or otherwise kicking around as a plan to deal with Smurfs and Match Dropping. Maybe a final plan with a deadline can't be communicated ... but surely there is something that can be said. I think companies these days are way too skittish in being willing to share development thoughts & experiments along these lines. A little bit of communication about the trains of thought would be infinitely more useful than "We're looking at it" and would in no way put you on the hook.
What I'm saying is that there's a wide world between "Absolutely Nothing" and "100% Ironclad Plan With Dates & Times". Surely there is a reasonable place in the middle.
All I can say right now is that we're in the "information-gathering" phase when it comes to smurfing, queue times, and uneven ranked matches, just so we have a better understanding of what the issues are and how to proceed. Of course, there's stuff I'm unable to share externally at the moment. Part of my job is to assure the community that we're listening to player feedback, ideas, frustrations, etc and that their posts don't go unnoticed. As soon as we have something we're able to share with the community, you can count on us to let everyone know.