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The reason why people Team kill lesion is he is a big kill stealer with no effort
I can't count the number of gadgets I destroyed of his because of him placing it on my Frost Traps
I understand him putting it next to Kapkan traps that alone puts alot of pressure on the guy who triggered the trap
The players who play him are just bad and throws the game. He is never used as intended ..
almost 6 years ago - Ubiflowessence - Direct link
There shouldn't be much reason for toxic team killing, which is why we're implementing a new reverse friendly fire to reduce team killing.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Boat - Direct link
Hey, everyone!

I believe this thread has run its course as it was starting to dissolve into a good amount of flaming. I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread. Please remember to be courteous and respectful when speaking to each other in the future.