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So ever since the release of Operation Chimera i have had a glitch with my elite sets, i have not seen anyone else with this. For example in the menu, if i go to Rook's outfits i will find that both his elite uniform and standard GIGN uniform are equipped at the same time, i cannot unequip or even change uniform, same applies for the headgear. However in game the gadget for Rook will have the elite skin, i can also use the weapon skin and elite chibi. Now when i win a game and i am MVP the elite victory screen plays as normal but with the standard GIGN outfit. Now i have took a liking to this and would like to make a suggestion that this becomes an option in the future. As a player who has bough most of the elite sets, it would be a nice feature if i was able to pick and choose between different aspects of the elite sets. For example, wear Rook's Chimera uniform but being able to keep the elite victory and elite skin gadget. This feature would add to QoL and player comfort as we should already be able to pick and choose rather than being forced to take the full elite set and being unable to customize by changing uniform or headgear. I will leave two examples below, just a thought UBI!

almost 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
It's a known issue and we're looking into it - I know some players would like to be able to mix and match parts of the elite, but as of now, elite sets come as a package. Maybe after seeing some of the feedback due to the bug we'll start exploring more options for the elite in the future.