Original Post — Direct link
I hate ranked. I am currently level 83 and a Silver 3. Every single time I play ranked I am matched with sub level 50 and copper or bronze players. The other team has 125+ gold, platinum, or diamond players. Not to mention once my whole team dies and its a 1v5 or 1v4 and I die, they vote to kick me! Of course the other team has mics and gives call outs, I would be lucky if one player on my team had a mic. I don't even care if they use it! It would be helpful to know they could even hear me. I don't even know why i play ranked anymore.
over 4 years ago - UbiFate - Direct link
Hey guys, I'm going to close this thread as we don't need to necro a 2 year old post. If you have any suggestions on how to improve Ranked, feel free to make a new thread!