28 days
ago -
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Hey ThatCutieKilla,
Thank you for kindly reaching out regarding not receiving an activation key.
You explained that you bought the game on 2 consoles, can I check if you additionally bought the game on Steam as this would be required to run the game from Steam. If so I would then recommend to launch Ubisoft Connect https://ubi.li/Q5YVj with admin rights https://ubi.li/9Puyw and then it should link when you launch the game from Steam.
Any trouble, just let us know
Thank you for kindly reaching out regarding not receiving an activation key.
You explained that you bought the game on 2 consoles, can I check if you additionally bought the game on Steam as this would be required to run the game from Steam. If so I would then recommend to launch Ubisoft Connect https://ubi.li/Q5YVj with admin rights https://ubi.li/9Puyw and then it should link when you launch the game from Steam.
Any trouble, just let us know