7 days
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Originally posted by iJ1nXz: i just clearly(watched the replay multiple times) hit 5 mp shots to the body(2), arm(1) and legs(2) and he just turned around like it was a very cheap airsoft gun and headshoted me (nice aim). no hp buff just normal health. i alrdy had enough similar situations that i mainly play kaid bc her shots feel more like a gun then anything else in this game, but not playing kaid often lead to this situations. i was now close to leave a winning ranked game and uninstall all together bc of that bs. atleast add stagger or something but shooting someone 5 times and they act like nothing happen is just bad gamedesgin imo. thats what i like about battlefield and cod is the hardcore mode where i dont have to pet my enemy to death if i dont land that headshotHey iJ1nXz,
Thank you for kindly taking the time to share this suggestion of adding a hardcore game mode.
We use this type of suggestion to better understand what players might like to see in the future.
If we can help with anything else in the future, just let us know