about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Raptor:
Originally posted by ReecesPiecesN1: Like someone said, they would probably love to fix it, but it isn't as easy as snapping your fingers or a report for "tk/toxicity" button, as the finger snapping won't do anything, and the button will only cause people to report you for toxicity/teamkilling when you make them mad in some way.

Remember, that these Teamkillers, kickers, and smurfs are still considered innocent until proven guilty, as they can't just ban someone over an allegation or for something some 12 year old said, or else we wouldn't really have a playerbase.

They can only go off of videos, photos, and multiple reports for the same thing on the person in question that is either smurfing, teamkilling, or kicking, and that isn't particularly a fast/accurate system as it is...

You are right and I said that I understand technichal problems
anyway, how can I report team killers with video?
I have dozens of clips like that

You can find details on how to do that here! [support.ubisoft.com]