about 2 months
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Originally posted by wellom: fOTTETEVI VOI E LA VOSTRA UBISOFT , IL GIOCO CRASHA PERCHè è fatto con il culo e io devo farmi bannare per 1 h dalle ranked datevi una svegliaHey there,
Sorry to hear that you encountered this crash that left you with an hour ban. While we cannot remove temporary bans, we are keen to help prevent this happening again in the future.
To investigate the cause could you please try the following steps?
• If possible, install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• Clear the Ubisoft Connect cache file: https://ubi.li/oJ6r1
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ article >> https://ubi.li/e4DRO
If the above does not assist could you please advise the following regarding your system specs,
Any trouble, just let us know