over 4 years
ago -
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Originally posted by tigdug: What's the point of forcing players to play on villa, outback or theme park? In ranked the team who gets 5 defing rounds and 4 attacking just straight up wins if the players on both teams have similar skill. There is no logic behind this 9 round system - RNG forces you to get 50% w/r.
Ranked should either lose all the maps where attacking or deffing teams have higher chances of wining than the other team(which is impossible) or just make the games last until a team has 2 points over the other team excluding the first 4 rounds.
Whats your thoughts about the current ranked system?
Would you be concerned about the length games could go on for if it was on the "win by 2" system? If the teams are fairly evenly matched games could stretch on for quite a while.