over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
I feel like if there weren't repercussions to hitting your own teammate with damage, some of the strategy might be lost. Another forum user mentioned, in particular, how it would look if attackers could run through Fuze's charges with impunity, or sprint freely across a teammates firefight, I feel like things would lose a lot of the thought that were put into them. I am, however, curious to hear the communities inputs on this!
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Greatcompany21:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: I feel like if there weren't repercussions to hitting your own teammate with damage, some of the strategy might be lost. Another forum user mentioned, in particular, how it would look if attackers could run through Fuze's charges with impunity, or sprint freely across a teammates firefight, I feel like things would lose a lot of the thought that were put into them. I am, however, curious to hear the communities inputs on this!
Meta always changes. Maybe something to think about when you remake Fuze.

Could you open that statement up a bit? How does the meta change have an effect on the original issue? Fuze was the first thing to come to mind, for me, but I could also see several instances of frag spamming or other AOE explosions having an effect on gameplay if there is not friendly fire.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely understand that people abuse friendly fire and teamkilling in general, but removing it completely seems like a large step without due diligence.