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I played last night with my sons. After the last match we leave. No big deal. I get on today to join them for some of the PvE before we do some ranked.

Everything is fine. I am looking through my operators as I have won a ranked round with every one of the original operators but the achievement is not popping. I went through these the last week and change again just to be sure. A couple were at 0 so I needed though and it did not pop.

As I am sitting in the operators menu looking at defenders I get a notice of an abandon sanction for 30 minutes. What? This is the second time for a sanction like this and I never leave intentionally. First time the lobby crashed and we all were sent back to the menu at the same time. That was weeks ago. And it was not only myself that was dropped. But this time there was ZERO games played. Never leave and never lost connection yesterday. So no reason for that. And had not played today.

Would not think much of it but a guy we game with from Texas got a random penalty as well last week. He never played this unless we are on and he was in the match and it removed him and gave him a penalty. Just popped it up. So I figured I would point this out as it might be some kind of issue.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
This has been something that the community has been talking about quite a bit - we have an upcoming announcement about community concerns (no ETA as of yet), to address some of the frustration around certain aspects of the game.

Either way, thank you for sharing your story with us.