We already have operators whose gadgets were inspired by monsters from Outbreak:
The concept below caught my attention because it reminded me of an another monster from Outbreak - the Apex which could spit in your face and temporary blur your vision. Since Ubi have takken the path of reusing existing mechanics I believe there is no better time to post this here:

Link to the original reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/co...m_medium=web2x
- Nomad's airjab: knocks you down just like the Smasher
- Maverick's torch: burns a small hole in a wall just like the Breacher before exploding
The concept below caught my attention because it reminded me of an another monster from Outbreak - the Apex which could spit in your face and temporary blur your vision. Since Ubi have takken the path of reusing existing mechanics I believe there is no better time to post this here:

Link to the original reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/co...m_medium=web2x