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Hey all,

So, i find that as of late I am really struggling to play this game for an extended amount of time, and the reason for that is bomb only.

I mostly just play with one or two friends, and find that when put into games the vast majority of players on my team will not use their mic. Now this never used to cause so much of an issue for secure area or hostage, but in bomb I find that if you come against a 4 or 5 stack and you are not in one yourseld, you are at a HUGE disadvantage. Particularly when it comes to attack.

As well as this I honestly just find that doing the same one mode over and over has made ranked get stale real quick.

I know when it was first changed to bomb only alot of players were not happy. But how do you feel about it now? Have you warmed to the idea of ranked only? Or are you also finding that all of your best times with this game seemed to happen a couple years back? Interested to know how others feel about it...
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Slyrr7
Which may well be one of the primary reasons for the divide between the Casual community and Ranked/Pro. Casual players aren't nearly so constrained by meta, or even 'strategy'. Many of us in Casual just wing it from match to match, and do things that the Pro/Ranked players can't predict and could never understand.

We think we're having fun. They think we're idiots who don't understand how the game is 'supposed' to be played. Just like the people who play chess for 'fun' vs. the ones who play it professionally.
I think there's room for both playstyles. As someone who adores Siege, I love the chess match Ranked games where you try to have a bigger brain than your opponent, but at the same time, I love hopping into Quick Match with my friends who don't want to lean in and sweat, and just play freely without worrying about K/D or if I've utilized all my utility in the proper way.

I don't think I had a chance to comment on the original reason behind this post, so I can do that now. I think the reason behind the removal of Secure and Hostage from Ranked is due to those modes not being competitively viable. Since Ranked is intended to be the competitive game mode in Siege, the dev team felt that Bomb emulates that style of play more efficiently than the other modes.