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This is a real question. I truly don't understand why there are so many people de-ranking on purpose. There's apparently the ecstasy they get from trolling...but man, that seems like a whole lot of work and wasted time. With the soft MMR reset at the end of seasons, it'll be harder to re-achieve your rank next season if you start lower. If you're tired of sweating in Ranked and don't want a challenge...there's the "Training Grounds" mode where you can plunk away on bots (you can even put them on "Normal" difficulty if you're truly looking to stomp). Maybe they want to create some false content for YouTube or Twitch, to make themselves look like REALLY good players when they drop those 17 kills on low ranks?

Anybody have any insight into what makes people want to do this? I myself can see no reason why normal people would ever want to do this. So, I really feel the need to go into Dr. Phil mode, and question the mentally ill.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by croken717
This is a real question. I truly don't understand why there are so many people de-ranking on purpose. There's apparently the ecstasy they get from trolling...but man, that seems like a whole lot of work and wasted time. With the soft MMR reset at the end of seasons, it'll be harder to re-achieve your rank next season if you start lower. If you're tired of sweating in Ranked and don't want a challenge...there's the "Training Grounds" mode where you can plunk away on bots (you can even put them on "Normal" difficulty if you're truly looking to stomp). Maybe they want to create some false content for YouTube or Twitch, to make themselves look like REALLY good players when they drop those 17 kills on low ranks?

Anybody have any insight into what makes people want to do this? I myself can see no reason why normal people would ever want to do this. So, I really feel the need to go into Dr. Phil mode, and question the mentally ill.
Personally I don't understand the reasoning behind it myself. I've seen a lot of comments about wanting to do it with a five-stack to avoid griefing other players which is nice, but the philosophy behind purposely losing to play with lower-ranked players is kind of lost on me. I see some want to do it to help boost their K/D, but wouldn't losing games mean you're dying a lot more often? I feel it's counterproductive to tank your stats in order to improve them.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by croken717
Counterproductive, exactly. As for K/D, that doesn't really gain you anything either? I hear people all the time encouraging someone not to engage the enemy team, knowing that they are outnumbered to "save their K/D". So even if your K/D is good, if you aren't trying to help your team win, even if it's an unlikely clutch...then you're not very valuable as a teammate...so again, it seems contrary. I'd much rather try for that crazy clutch; it makes for some exciting moments that far outweigh K/D stats.
I think the "Save the K/D, save the OP" has become a joke statement for a lot of players who realize there's nothing negative about going for the clutch or running in to get a few kills before dying. Still, I hope someone who's deranked provides a bit of insight into the whole deal. Again, lowering your rank to play and demolish lower ranks doesn't seem like it would be a fun experience for anyone involved.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
Its not really about destroying low ranks more so the fact that they can screw around. Casual/QP is frankly garbage. You cant pick site and you cant guarantee mm. So obviously deranking would be the better choice when you just want to meme with some friends or do stupid crap. Plus i dont really think ubi can take the high road here when they let channels with shows like road to copper which was a five stack deranking and screwing with coppers exist.
I totally understand wanting to hop into a 5-stack and wanting to meme with friends, I think we all have done it in a game at some point, however, Quick Match is probably the best place to do it. In Ranked, players are looking for a competitive experience, and if the other team is wide-swinging every doorway with a revolver, that kinda ruins the experience they were looking for. Actually, I want to touch really quickly on your feelings towards Quick Match. Is the fact you can't choose your site the only reason you don't like the mode?