over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Aggieboy1444: The accidental one tap head shot because someone stuck their head in front of me while I'm shooting has lead to around 5 friendly kills on my part alone since the change. 4/5 times the angry kid on the other side team kills me next round, yeah whatever no biggie. But what about when the team I'm on has a premade group, one guy lights me up at the start of the round cause he thinks it's funny so I team kill him, but now I have the friendly fire active on and can no longer defend myself from the inevitable double team kill that will keep me from playing the rest of the game.

My suggestion: if a friendly damages you, then there is no penalty for retaliation

I can't believe I actually have to resort to the Code of Hammurabi just to play my game of Siege but it's honestly unplayable. If you think in overreacting, play solo for two hours. Just two. See how difficult it is to play the game.

Hi Aggieboy,

Toxicity is unfortunately something our player base is currently dealing with. If you accidentally kill a teammate, immediately let them know it was an accident so you can avoid future toxicity in the next round. I know letting the person you accidentally killed know doesn't always result in the person not retaliating, but it's always good to let everyone know, so your other teammates know the kill wasn't intentional.

Also, if someone is griefing you and being toxic, it's never a good option to team kill them no matter how much it may feel like the right thing to do. Two wrongs don't make a right. Report the player and try your best to stay away from them so the situation doesn't escalate further. Since this has been a major topic of conversation in the community, what're some ways you'd like to see RFF and other anti-toxicity features improved in the game?