about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Jack_(放屁要有火)_Smiley_Ra: I'm playing on casual / unrank as I have pick this game up during this sale, the game in general is fun and all but lately a lot of leavers whom after 1 lost round left the game and discourage the rest to stay.

End up a 2v5 match for the next 3 round and totally lost due to the unequal sides. As they leave there is no warning nor their names on the board to report. With no filling in it just feels like the game is ruin by such behavior.

So casual is meant to be a place for players to go and play without fear of penalties if they decide to leave or get disconnected for varying reasons. It's a tough discussion because the team "casual" alone means relaxed, so adding an abandon penalty would inherently make the mode not casual.

On the other hand, no one likes being on an uneven team, no matter what the game mode is. If you have some suggestions, I'd be more than happy to listen and pass the feedback along to the team.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by No running in the quarentine:
Originally posted by I'm the cook: The official stance on 2v5 is play Ranked if you wanna play 5v5, or leave the game as well
What if i told i stopped playing ranked because most of my matches were 4v5 and 3v5? it's not uncommon to get quitters in ranked

In ranked, did most of these matches consist of people who left into round one? Or later in the game?
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by No running in the quarentine:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
In ranked, did most of these matches consist of people who left into round one? Or later in the game?
People who were AFK and left middle of the prep phase, from what i hear nothing has changed. Even if you changed that it won't make me come back to ranked as my current issues (on top of leavers/bugs/cheaters) is the very simple fact i don't like ranked rules.

Yeah, no that's totally fair. Though, for AFK folks in prep phrase, match cancellation should take care of that i would think, in ranked at least, which is why I was curious about it.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by No running in the quarentine:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Yeah, no that's totally fair. Though, for AFK folks in prep phrase, match cancellation should take care of that i would think, in ranked at least, which is why I was curious about it.
By prep phase i mean droning and reinforcing, does match cancellation still happen there? i thought it was only during operator ban and selection phase

Should be anytime before the first round!