over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Hey Liam,

Do you feel Smoke needs a rework? If so, what have you seen about his playstyle that would warrant the dev team changing him?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Liam:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: Hey Liam,

Do you feel Smoke needs a rework? If so, what have you seen about his playstyle that would warrant the dev team changing him?
You never really get to use all 3 of his canisters in a good way (most of the time) and throwing them and detonating them gets you killed a lot, making it frustrating to play, and his canisters are so visible due to the blinking its hard to hide them in common points of entries

Smoke is one of those Ops that requires a lot of knowledge and situational awareness to use effectively. I get what you mean about how dangerous it can be peeking out t. Watch how some of the high ranked players do it. The quick peek/throw is extremely useful when trying to learn Smoke and when/where to throw his toxic babes.

I saw that you remarked that a rework would result in him being picked more, and he's actually picked quite a bit! We released a graph showing the Win Delta for Defenders, and Smoke is circling around the same pick rate as Doc and Bandit.