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Many missing items such as scopes and in fact many items are bugging out encountered invisible ADS devices on House dunno how that got botched.

Overall I am THRILLED to see the maps back in some sort of rotation and honesty think Legacy should become its own permanent and separate gamemode with its own ranked and casual playlist however these bugs gotta get fixed I'm not even sure how or why they are occurring but it's bad.

I do wish that the operators had their own day 1 unmodified abilities instead of years of changes to them not sure how that would even work.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Do you have any clips of the invisible ADS bug? That's one that I'm not aware of at all. As far as the loadouts, that's something we are aware of! As it stands I've been told that if the game mode comes back, the loadouts will be adjusted properly.