15 days ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

Thank you for reaching out, sorry to hear that you encounter crashes when launching the game.

To rule out some common causes I have some tips I would advise trying below:

- Ensure your PC meets all system requirements [www.ubisoft.com]
- Try to have both the game and Ubisoft Connect and Steam on the same drive
- Add Ubisoft Connect and the game to your anti-virus/firewall whitelist
- Complete the steps in our dedicated troubleshooting guide [ubi.li]

Should this issue then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs?

Many thanks
Hey guys,

Thank you for your continued updates, it is great to hear that the solution Another has kindly shared has helped.

Should you encounter further trouble, just let us know and we will be more than happy to help

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