almost 6 years
ago -
Direct link
All progress is tied to your Uplay account, not your Steam account.
For you to start again, you would need to unlink your Ubisoft account from your Steam account via and then relink your Steam to a brand new Uplay account that hasn't played R6S before.
You can always revert back to your old progress too by re-linking your Steam to your original Uplay account again too.
Hopefully this helps.
- Ubisoft Support
All progress is tied to your Uplay account, not your Steam account.
For you to start again, you would need to unlink your Ubisoft account from your Steam account via and then relink your Steam to a brand new Uplay account that hasn't played R6S before.
You can always revert back to your old progress too by re-linking your Steam to your original Uplay account again too.
Hopefully this helps.
- Ubisoft Support