over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by 💚𝓡𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼💚: like an idiot,from g2 to silver 2,please dont soloq like i did
go to discord.gg/rainbow6 and you will have a happy life

back to our stuff

any tips to win more games *i already play for the win kinda as on defense i dont go for the kill and on attack i camp while the defuser is planted but like...my teammates always do the opposite and :D:D its not nice

besides not going solo...which ik is stupid but ye
what should i improve,aim? *should i play more thunt?*
ty in advance

It sucks to hear your solo queue games didn't go as planned. I do agree that the R6 Discord is a great place for solo players to match up with people who are in your elo and are reliable!