about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Luckily, as we mentioned in our Steel Wave patch notes[www.ubisoft.com] this will soon no longer be an issue, as players will not have MMR consistent across all of our servers.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Oak:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Luckily, as we mentioned in our Steel Wave patch notes[www.ubisoft.com] this will soon no longer be an issue, as players will not have MMR consistent across all of our servers.

I must have missed that, my apologies. Thanks for letting me know

No apologies necessary! I'm just glad we have an upcoming solution for you haha!
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Projekt Melody:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: as players will not have MMR consistent across all of our servers.
Isn't that just the current state of MMR?

It is not! Player have been switching servers to reset their MMR, but coming up here soon that won't be an issue