over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Hey there!

Coincidentally I use these for my gaming PC at home. I'm not super well-versed in the world of gaming headsets, but from what I've gathered with my time using them (over 6 months) I'd say they're pretty solid. The sound is loud for the most part, but the microphone quality leaves a bit to be desired for me personally.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Alex:
Back to the Cloud Stingers, when you play, can you distinguish with (decent) accuracy what level the sound is coming from, as well as its distance from you? That's what would mainly make me go for them (of course, my expectation are proportional to the budget, I am not expecting hundreds of $ products-like performance); the mic wouldn't be that much of a problem for me, as long as it doesn't make noise that's alright, I am not usually talking alot over voice.

Thank you!

I'd say so! I tend to wear my headphones over my hoodie while playing and I'm still able to determine where certain sounds are and how near/far they may be. On the rare occasion that I'm wearing my headphones normally without a hoodie or something, they can be just a bit too loud, which I think is a good problem to have since Siege has so many small sounds you need to listen out for.

I hope this information is helpful!