about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Dark: Take them ♥♥♥♥ing ACOG away. U take Jäger and Bandit ACOG because of the Spawnpeak problem insteed of solving that 'Spawnpeaking' and all Players are spawnpeak now with fat doc, rook and Echo. Wow good job, Ubi.

As mentioned above, Jager and Bandit had their ACOGs removed due to them being 3-speeds and having access to two of the best weapons on defense with essentially zero recoil if placed in the right hands. With Doc, Rook, their playstyles revolve around them holding down site and holding angles. You do see them occasionally shallow roam, but the ACOG on their weapons is a trade-off since they can't move as fast as an Alibi or Castle.

Echo, on the other hand, is an extremely passive operator who spends 98% of his time on Yokai's. Again, with him being a 1-speed, the ACOG gives him something to lean on since he can't clear a lot of ground and get to site quicker than most.
about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Dark: Echo 98% time in the yokai drone? do you play this game? since jäger and bandit lost his acog, EVERYONE started to spawnpeak with doc, rook or echo. everyone, and it doesnt care if they are 3 speed or 1. spawnpeaking with doc is even better then with the 1 armor operator. he can take more hits before he dies. he has a broken hitbox, like the whole game and if he is injured, he can heal himself up. you are talking about what echo should do like sitting in his drone, giving callouts and help his mates, but thats not what the community is doing. open your eyes or i dont know, play some matches in this game.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all or that you haven't experienced it, but in the over 2k hours I have in the game, an Echo spawn peek is not something I've ever seen personally. The spawn peeking strat in Siege preys on those who run directly to the building without droning or checking to make sure your path forward is clear. Like most threads that discuss issues with these types of strategies, I normally suggest spawning in a spot you know you can't get spawn killed from, and/or droning windows for wood panel breaks or indicators that someone may be nearby.

The best way to do that is by learning the map and knowing where possible peeks may occur.