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Originally posted by Battlekruse: Amaru
I never manage to use the Garra Hook, most of the time I used there is always a person inside near and I am dead the same second I enter the room

Amaru is one of those situational operators, and she's great at catching a team off guard with a rush strat. The key is to not fly into objective, but a room near it so you can still drone and make sure your rush strategy isn't going to be ruined by a defender.

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Goyo
His so called vulcano shield create more trouble and damage to the Defender team then you could think of.

For Goyo, place his shields in choke points, default plant spots and places you know they're going to push from late round. Goyo is also super good at draining utility (Ash/Zofia charges, frags, etc)

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Nøkk
½ Caveira and ½ Vigil, I really do´t see the point of a Attacker there is sneaking around and need only good for close encounter. I would rather take a operator there has some better ability instead.

Great comparison, she essentially is a combination of those two operators. Her role on the team is to be an anti-roamer/late flank. If you're not watching or have your back covered, a good Nokk can decimate your whole team.

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Finka
At least its nice enough to have some sort of healing on the Attacker team, but to fair I really think that we should have a real doctor like there is on Defender team.

With a coordinated team, Finka can be scary good. Being able to decrease your teams recoil while giving them an extra bit of health can be extremely useful!

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Glaz
With Kali there is really no point in taking Glaz anymore.

It's agreed that Glaz was in a difficult spot way before Kali was introduced, although, I feel he's still useful in certain situations.

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Alibi
Her Prisma don´t fool anyone today, most players has learn the trick by now, and if she is killed early in the game, everybody know that her Prisma is not her. It would be far better if her Prisma would generator a random Defender on the team instead of only her, in order to give more confusion for the attacker.

Believe it or not, the Alibi "Smoke and Mirror" strat still works in some cases, and people still shoot her holograms out of habit, especially if you set it up to where it looks like she's made a line of sight in a soft wall or something along those lines. Plus being able to ping whoever shoots it is super useful.

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Warden
Serious how came up with the idea of smart glasses?. At least give him infrared googles or something else.

Warden definitely hasn't had the greatest of times in Siege, but his gadget still has its uses on sites when teams like to smoke plant, like by white van on Consulate. The community has had many discussions on how to buff him, do you have any ideas as well?

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Wamai
With the delay Mag-NET and you can only deploy one I dont really see any reason to take Wamai. Jäger can deploy 3x Magpie ASAP in the bunker and after that he free to do whatever he like. I dont see any reason to take Wamai over Jäger.

Wamai is a more versatile Jager, meaning that he can place his MAG-Nets in places Jager can't with his ADS'. Putting it on ceilings, above door frames, and various other surfaces is great at making it difficult for attackers to know if anything they throw in is going to get grabbed. It's also great at preserving ADS'!

Originally posted by Battlekruse: Tachanka
A static target has never worked. At least maybe he got a chance now.

This one I think even the devs agree with, which is why he's getting a rework. Curious to see how players utilize his new abilities!