over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Cuc umber: I'm playing R6 from Madrid (capital city) and I've got 30-40 ping always.

Meanwhile other friends play at 60-80 ping (they are in Canary Islands, it's normal) but this issue could be resolved if there were spanish servers.

My question here is, do they exist?

If they don't, why a so played game all over the world doesn't have servers in a country that has it's own league?

You could argue that 30-40 ping isn't to much, it's true it's completely playable, you could only have a few issues with headshots and hitboxes, but, what about 60-80 ping?

Is it possible that their data center got changed after an update? You can manually switch data centers if this is the case by following the step-by-step listed here.[support.ubisoft.com]