7 months
ago -
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Hello there!
I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Would you mind confirming whether you are still receiving this error code when trying to play the game?
If you do, could you provide us some more information where this occurs mainly occurs for you? Is it happening when you launch the game, while playing the game, or is it more at random occasions?
The more information you are able to provide, the more this would help us to forward it to the team so it can look into.
- Ubisoft Support
I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Would you mind confirming whether you are still receiving this error code when trying to play the game?
If you do, could you provide us some more information where this occurs mainly occurs for you? Is it happening when you launch the game, while playing the game, or is it more at random occasions?
The more information you are able to provide, the more this would help us to forward it to the team so it can look into.
- Ubisoft Support