Original Post — Direct link
This is just a suggestion I an firing and I feel like saying it. Siege should have a story mode, available for both single player and multi player where you play through Team Rainbow as they deal with the resurgence of the white masks.

You would play as the operators of team rainbow, using the maps currently in siege, modified for the story where certain rooms are either heavily reinforced or completely destroyed. You will alternate through offensive and defensive operators doing various tasks such as protecting a dignitary or escorting a high level offical out of the operating zone.

There's so much you can do with this kind of mode and would allow for something we can come to from time to time.
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
As we saw with Outbreak last year, the team is interested in experimenting with different narratives within Siege.

What they have in store for the future, I'm not sure — but I wouldn't be surprised if they went even bigger with a "campaign" sort-of event later on.