4 months ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally posted by NIGHTMARE:
Originally posted by Bosefina: Had the same problem it is a blue screen, not the blue screen of death. My guess is that there is a graphics card compatibility issue. Will report later.
Got anything? My game still doesn't work and I said in the previous post that it wasn't a blue screen for the game but rather for my PC. There's nothing wrong with my PC, not a single Ubisoft game I own works, they automatically shut themselves down as soon as I try to open them
Hey there,

Thank you for reaching out. Sorry to hear that you are encountering an issue where you get a blue screen when you launch the game. If this is persisting then I would recommend to complete the steps in our pc troubleshooting guide[www.ubisoft.com] in full to configure your device for the game. I do understand you believe the device to be up to date but this is a good starting point that helps us closer identify the cause.

Any trouble, just let us know