Original Post — Direct link
When the matchmaking in quick match puts me into an ongoing match, while loading the match my game freezes and then crashes altogether. All this happens before the match intro screen is displayed. I do not face this issue when I am not put into an ongoing match. This issue has arisen after i updated the game a few days ago via Steam.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello CoffinDrop, sorry to see this.

Does this happen in any particular mode such as Vulkan or DirectX?

First of all, could you please verify the games files in Steam as well as Uplay for me incase the update was missing any files.

Please start by verifying the game files in Uplay. Here are some instructions on how to do this -

Try also verifying the game files in Steam here -

Let me know if the issue persists after trying these steps?