Original Post — Direct link
Hey guys! So, I play Rainbow 6 for about 2 years, and I decided to not play casual anymore, since it's not a serious match, and I just don't have fun playing casual anymore. Anyway, let's go to the point:
I Always finish my seasons betweetn Silver and Gold (EVERY season), but from the begging off the season, i started playing competitive matches and i startes losing A LOT. BUT, NO, SERIOUSLY, A LOT!. On overwolf app, it shows the last 20 matches, and I got 14 loses. So, i started this season Silver 2, and I'm currently on Copper 2. I got a screenshot from my last match, and you can really see the difference between both teams. The other team is Always superior, I just don't get it! I play with a friend who was Plat, even him is struggling to get a win, and he Always plays with me and another friend.
I NEED HELP, seriously, I don't know what to do anymore, I tried stop playing for a few days, tryed to play another game, but nothing works. Some matches my KD is positive, sometimes not, and when it's not, my aim is just not helping anymore, then i stop playing, so I don't screw my MMr anymore.
So, what to do? I'm getting really sad about this game, and I'm not enjoying it anymore.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Hey all!
We are aware of the uptick in cheating, and are taking some strong countermeasures against it, as outlined here in our top issues blog.

We are also taking these measures to counter smurfing issues that have been talked about as well, in order to try and alleviate some of the pains that people are going through there.