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Finka on console is extremely over powered, and not bc of the buff to the spear. When finka is on the board you can lose gun fights that you should not be losing, and the only reason they win that gun fight is because they have 0 recoil at all and 20 extra health. On console it is much harder to control recoil and hit your shots, so for us console players the extra 20 is huge. Even when she got nerfed and her surge went from lasting 20 seconds to 10 seconds it didnt help at all. On pc this isnt a problem bc recoil is easy to control and finka has the possibility to hinder her team by surging while her trammates are shooting and cause her team to over compensate, but on console that risk is non existent. Plus she got frags a while back also like her killing power wasnt enough already. Finka on console is a menace and she's been like this non stop for almost 2 years. She needs to be nerfed not buffed. I understand that her pick rate on pc is low so buffing her based off of that makes sense but on console shes present in almost every match and if shes there then the defenders dont really stand a chance. Heres how i would change her, id make it so her teammates dont get overhealed, and they dont get reduced recoil, they keep all other benefits, however finka herself can be overhealed and does get the recoil decrease, also being the spear damage to 40 not 42, replace her frags with something else like smokes or something to give her utility, also the healing she does stays, it just doesnt go over 100 you can even increase how many surges she gets access to, but the way she is now for console players is like ela when she came out. And i believe that by making this change you.could even see her pc ratios go up seeing as she has less risk to her team and only helps her killing power.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
For those on console asking for a nerf, what kind of nerf do you think she should get that balances her on consoles and PC?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by croken717
For me, I think it's as simple as making her ability something that only applies to her. No more jacking the whole team at once, or remote reviving fallen teammates across the map with just the push of a button. Her gadget is plenty strong enough, just for herself. If you want to balance her out a little bit since she wouldn't be global, you could always let her overclock herself a little bit more, similar to Doc (but maybe 130, instead of 120...because I never liked Doc pushing to 140 anyway). But I strongly believer that here ability should not touch the rest of the team, at all.

Thank you for asking!
This would be a pretty interesting change in my opinion. I know the introduction of global abilities hasn't been the community's favorite.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by MarcelDavis2un2
Funnily enough noone ever complained about rook when it comes to globals. I think finka is fine where she is altho i feel like giving her frags was questionable.
Do you feel she would fair better with a different kind of secondary utility? What do you think she would be better with?

Interesting comparison to Rook though. I haven't seen anyone mention him in a conversation with Finka.