Originally posted by GhastlyGhostJr: It does not allow you to learn maps better. The most efficient way to learn maps was and has always been going to a private server and going over it. This system still fails to properly educate people on map knowledge. A new player may get to know Favela super well, and then next season their best map gets removed. Now they’re stuck with no maps they know instead of at least one. All this system does is punish anyone who plays the game a lot and doesn’t want it to get stale.
I’m also not sure what you mean about a more dynamic feel, could you elaborate please?
Because this system feels anything but dynamic
A more dynamic feel meaning it doesn't stay the same and changes every so often.
I agree that going into a Custom game can help understand the layout of the map, but I think playing on the map in a real match helps a lot more since you are forced to play against real players and test out strats.
Going along with your analogy with a new player, once the map rotation happens, the player has a new set of maps to focus on and try to master as well. Favela would eventually come back into the rotation, which is already a map the player knows pretty well. For a lot of newer players, the large map pool can be super overwhelming at the start.
I don't entirely understand how the system punishes veteran players, especially since at that point they should be used to all of the maps.
Originally posted by BehZad: imagine you are a new player who cant play the game more than an hour a day and takes you months to learn maps like kanal,theme park,etc and then they pull the rug from right under you by reworking them.
i think the point of reworks for ubi are these, first of all avoiding making a entirely new map which is quite fine but since they wanna sell the year pass each year they feel like they need to bring something new to the table hence the reworks, i believe thats the main reason for reworks(i know maps arent included in year pass).
and second reason when they keep changing map design even the most dedicated player will have to put even more hours to learn these reworked maps and obviously the more people play more likely the chances of them spending, but there are ofcourse people like my self who barely play the game anymore because of the reworks.
and i really appreciate you replying to my question but the person who asked the question must decide which reply is their answer but you obviously didnt think so when you marked your own reply as answer.
We explained our reason for reworks here.[rainbow6.ubisoft.com] The primary focus is balancing changes to make the map more appealing to play on and more even for both Attacking and Defending. Most players would agree they would prefer maps that need changes (like Favela) to get the changes they need versus getting new content.
As I mentioned previously, being able to adapt to changes it part of Siege, since the meta is constantly evolving.
Regarding the thread answer selection, we usually use the tool to mark a Ubisoft response to the original question.