over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Joe Biden's Hairy Legs: Yup, it's the meta. Hide in a very inconspicuous spot and wait until late round for the attackers to start planting (usually happening around the last 20 seconds. Sonic burst them to make them stop planting and burst them again if the attacker starts planting again. If the Echo dies or the drones are destroyed, the Echo is screwed.

There aren't too many places for an Echo to hide on-site, and most attacking teams will roam clear any adjacent rooms next to and above site. The only alternative is to hide in a super random spot and hope an attacker just doesn't go there and find you.

I don't play Echo too often, but when I do I try and stay close enough to site so I can provide assistance before it gets to a 1vX situation, but it definitely is difficult on some maps to do so.