almost 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally posted by InfantryTerminator:
Originally posted by Cthulhu_1988: I personally think that if all shields were invulnerable from the front, they would be OP. Besides Monty full extending his shield and Clash, the little areas that aren't covered on Blitz, Fuze, or Recruit is part of the counter. Same with the reduced ADS time. Back when the ADS time was faster, it was pretty easy to quick scope and put your shield back up with little room for error on the defender's side. The problem with balancing anything in Siege is that there is a very fine line between slightly underpowered and overpowered. Shields are in a weird place in Siege but I think that they are fairly balanced right now as they have significantly more protection and presence than an operator with no shield. It's a trade off.
There is difference between a good counter and too easy to counter. Shields are in second category. Shields should be invulnerable from the front, and by that I mean when you're centered at enemy.
You need to be complete idiot or not played enough to not couter a shield now
I really like the part when you mentioned balancing is a fairly fine line within Siege. I definitely agree that balancing tweaks like this can be difficult, just because of how much of fine line there is in certain cases.
I'm not sure if I entirely understand what you mean when suggesting that they should be invulnerable from the front. Are you asking them to be extended like Clash/Montly? I don't think it would be entirely feasible with a kit like Blitz. Fuze's main focus is not his shield, it is his gadget.

Originally posted by ReecesPiecesN1: Understandable but my only request is they buff the ads time for pistols or make their hipfire a bit more accurate cause either u melee them at point blank range, or you hit them with your pistol at point blank range
How much would you change the ADS time by? Changes to hipfire is also another popular suggestion for shield buffs. I personally think shields are in a mostly okay spot, but I do understand how the recent changes could make it feel harder to play them.
almost 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally posted by ReecesPiecesN1: As a Blitz main in the past, before the nerf to all shield ops, I used to love being able to rely on my pistol in close to far encounters to close off that threat of them melee-ing my shield and then shooting or knifing me. But after the nerf I couldn’t use my pistol with getting headshotted and just playing as a support Blitz. Honestly all around Blitz is broken and not in the good way. His flashes can sometimes not fully or not even work, he can leave his shield to ads with the pistol or he’s gonna get dinked in the head, and he will either die to melee or die to shoulder exposure before he can smack the enemy or blind them. Blitz really needs a buff in general, but shield ops just need a buff to help them out more so they’re not just “support” cause not all of them are solely for support
I've seen a few people mention problems with his flash being inconsistent. If anyone has any videos showing the inconsistency, I can follow up on that for you!
ADS time has been a huge point as well after the ADS nerf.
How would you propose fixing the shoulder exposure issue? Do you think its more of an issue with the ADS timing or how big his shield is?