about 7 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
One tip that can help with this apart from adjusting settings like Matt said is to try the following: Go to the .exe file in your Steam directory ({Drive letter}\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\{) and then right click it, select Properties, Compatibility and tick 'Disable fullscreen optimizations'.
- Ubisoft Support Team
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
Originally posted by Matt:
Originally posted by Ubi-Bandicoot: Hey,
One tip that can help with this apart from adjusting settings like Matt said is to try the following: Go to the .exe file in your Steam directory ({Drive letter}\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\{) and then right click it, select Properties, Compatibility and tick 'Disable fullscreen optimizations'.
- Ubisoft Support Team

Hello Bandicoot,

Real question here - this is the first mention of this full screen optimization thing I have heard about.

Does it really hurt game performance?

I did some quick research - I see you guys and companies like Blizzard saying to disable it, but what does it do? and how is it negatively affecting your game?

Just curoius. :BITRAY_Wonder:

Hey Matt,

We give this tip to a lot of users who suffer with FPS issues and we get a lot of reports back for them that it improved their situation so we always recommend it is a quick fix which may help.

It's a bit of a weird one as it is actually meant to help performance slightly but it seems to cause the exact opposite for some users for whatever reason. I believe it's due to how Windows 10 interacts with your GPU drivers but i'm not 100% sure.

- Ubisoft Support Team
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
No worries guys, glad you've seen some improvements :D
- Ubisoft Support Team