Original Post — Direct link
[I] So today i was banned again for accidentally nitro celling my friend and killing him for the second time because the first time he ran into my bullets and the second time he was testing his crouch button and ran into my nitro cell as i said "move move move" about 5 times and i blew it up it killed him and it gave me a 8 day ban which i play this game frequently if not all the time and come home from school and play it for many hours which is why i have 187 hours of play time and i was wondering if i could receive an un-ban for which my kill on him both times were accidental and now i'm out of the game for 8 days and cant play and cant have fun which really kills my spirit cause i also grind the game to get the the weekly challenges which i will be missing. so if possible please allow me to have an un-ban on my PC rainbow six siege account so i will be able to play for which i will try my best not to accidentally team kill people and try to remain un-ban and honestly i hate it as well when i join games with people that team kill me all the time it makes it hard to play and less fun[ /I]
about 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, an 8 day ban means that this is at least your 5th offense.

While the last incident leading up to this may have been an unfortunate accident, we can't overlook the other 4 times you have been banned for TKing. We want you to be able to have fun in rainbow and enjoy your time there, but we also want others to have fun too - and teamkilling is not part of our definition of fun. So once your ban period is over, please take this as a lesson learned and be much, much more careful in the future not to TK anymore.