Original Post — Direct link
Is it just me or does it feel like smurfing has gotten way worse since they said they were going to ban people for it. I could be totally wrong and im not really mad about smurfing it just feels like there are tons more lol.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by croken717
Sometimes it's not even smurfs....it's just straight Plats and Diamonds. While the MMR's between modes is different, the matchmaking for Quick Match is decidedly broken beyond all belief. There definitely needs to be some sort of "ranking" system in place for Quick Match. Perhaps a mirror-image of the actual Ranked MMR, just separate from it, and hidden from the player...but working behind the scenes nonetheless. Or heck, perhaps a "Quick Match" only rank that you can see...whatever. Just about anything would be better than the current state, up to and including just freaking random.
Hey Croken! There actually is a separate hidden MMR system in quick match/unranked. I think that folks that don't play quick play as much might not have a particularly high MMR in that specific mode, which is where I think a lot of this frustration is coming from.

We did talk a little about smurfs in our status report here, though it is a really understandable frustration across the entire community. Please be sure that everyone here is continuing to report them through the online portal.