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I watched Rogue-9's video about it recently and would like sharing my thoughts on it here.
First of all, I agree bullethole peeking gives A LOT advantages to the one who peeks - and significantly lowers winning chances to the one who doesn't. The shooting mechanic is the main problem: in reality one can't peek a small hole and shoot through it, the gun is a physical object and collides with a wall or any other surface. In Siege, players are literally shooting with their eyes, not with the guns, and I doubt the game will change that after all these years.

What should be done. Rogue-9 suggests replacing bulletholes with a 2-D decals, letting bullets going through, but preventing players from seeing anything on the other side. The bigger holes are more visible, so they should be remained intact and work as usual.
I disagree. Using decals is a lazy fix, Siege has an engine capable processing lots of destruction simultaniously, why would we make it more simple?
Instead, I prefer restricting players from ADSing if they are point-blank to the wall. It makes sence, you can peek a hole, but you can't aim at that time. Move back a little to aim (0.3-0.5m) or risk hip-firing.

Voila! We keep bulletholes, we still can peeking, but it makes harder to land a shot (especially if one decides moving back, because it takes time to move and regain ADS, the opponent's model would be in another place for sure). Did you see Nokk's weapon being moved closer to the screen upon her HAL activation? We can use that animation to show a player he's being too close to the wall and can't use his aim properly.
What do you think? Would be glad hearing your suggestions.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by KABE-KAKABE
I watched Rogue-9's video about it recently and would like sharing my thoughts on it here.
First of all, I agree bullethole peeking gives A LOT advantages to the one who peeks - and significantly lowers winning chances to the one who doesn't. The shooting mechanic is the main problem: in reality one can't peek a small hole and shoot through it, the gun is a physical object and collides with a wall or any other surface. In Siege, players are literally shooting with their eyes, not with the guns, and I doubt the game will change that after all these years.

What should be done. Rogue-9 suggests replacing bulletholes with a 2-D decals, letting bullets going through, but preventing players from seeing anything on the other side. The bigger holes are more visible, so they should be remained intact and work as usual.
I disagree. Using decals is a lazy fix, Siege has an engine capable processing lots of destruction simultaniously, why would we make it more simple?
Instead, I prefer restricting players from ADSing if they are point-blank to the wall. It makes sence, you can peek a hole, but you can't aim at that time. Move back a little to aim (0.3-0.5m) or risk hip-firing.

Voila! We keep bulletholes, we still can peeking, but it makes harder to land a shot (especially if one decides moving back, because it takes time to move and regain ADS, the opponent's model would be in another place for sure). Did you see Nokk's weapon being moved closer to the screen upon her HAL activation? We can use that animation to show a player he's being too close to the wall and can't use his aim properly.
What do you think? Would be glad hearing your suggestions.
Not a bad idea! Though I'm curious about what parameters everyone would think would be an appropriate set to peek through? Like for instance not one bullet hole but several clustered together? Or should you just have to remove a chunk of the soft wall completely?